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Bedford Bicycle Advisory Committee

(approved 2005 May 11)

April 13, 2005

Present: Ray Ruetenik, Bob Sawyer, Bob Evans, Ralph Hammond, Joel Parks, Don Blake, Holly Webster, and seven other interested people.

7:45pm. Minutes from the last meeting were approved.


  1. MM Bikeway extension - Joel reviewed what our committee has done. Bob Sawyer reported that our request to CRW will be answered in the fall.
  2. Sidewalk passability - Holly’s letter to the Minuteman newspaper was noted.
  3. East Bedford Industrial Area - Joel reported that we are working with Mitre to build a sidewalk on the east side to Crosby Drive. We are not on the agenda for April 26. The planning board would like to get together with us but they have not said when.
  4. Bike racks -Holly reported that Rich Warrington e-mailed us the cost of the racks for Depot Park would be $166.75 each. She told him to go ahead when weather permits and asked about reimbursement. She has not had a return answer. She will meet with Meridith, at the library re the rack misplaced there. It may be that her committee could move the rack.
  5. Transportation Committee - Bob Sawyer reported that they are working to restrict trucks on Pine Hill Road and Page Road from the Lexington border to North Road.
  6. Police Accident Report - Bob Sawyer reported that there have been no accidents involving bicycles in Bedford in at least fourteen months.

Next meeting -- Wednesday May 11, 7:30pm, Town Hall

Meeting adjourned 8:30pm.

Bedford Friends of the Minuteman Bikeway

Minutes of the last meeting were approved with correction by Ray as follows: in Item 3. Annual Meeting - Replace last sentence: "All of us..." with :"The committee approved by a 4-to-1 vote to submit the changes to the charter as proposed in an email from Bob Sawyer to committee members on 2/12/05 entitled 'Bi-Ped Charter'" and a copy of the email to be attached to the revised minutes.


  1. Bridge Street path - Ray will continue to work on setting up the meeting with Mr. Drucker and officials of the town. We Members of our committee are not as yet included. yet included.
  2. Elections - The following slate was presented: For Directors-at-large (term expiry year): Ralph Hammond (2006), Joel Parks (2007), and Bob Sawyer (2008) and for officers: President - - Ray Ruetenik, Vice President - Bob Evans, Secretary - Holly Webster, and Treasurer - Don Blake. All officers are elected for one year. This slate was approved unanimously.
  3. Proposed Charter amendments - Bob Sawyer withdrew his suggestion for a new name. This was carried. The remaining proposed changes were also carried unaniamiously. A copy of the new amended charter is attached.
  4. Authorization of the budget for next year - Our current balance is $998.63. We expect to spend $300 over the next year. Some questioned the need for this step but we carried the $300 proposed. We noted that we could spend more if the need arose.

Panel discussion

Meeting adjourned at 10:00pm

Newly Amended Charter of Bedford Friends of the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway, Inc.

Article I. Name

Corporate: Bedford Friends of the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway, Inc.

Trade: Bedford Friends of the Minuteman Bikeway

Article II. Purpose

The Friends is a volunteer organization devoted to the advocacy of safe, enjoyable walking and bicycling in Bedford. The organization can offer support and encourage Bedford’s committees and organizations on matters pertaining to walking and bicycling in Bedford. The Friends is organized exclusively for charitable purposes under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Article III. Goals

To provide enjoyment of sidewalks, bicycle paths, lanes and trails for the town of Bedford. To encourage the town to provide safe cross walks and traffic signals and promote the safe passage of pedestrians and bicyclists on the roads, sidewalks, trails and pathways of Bedford. To provide both youth and adult education regarding pedestrian and bicycle safety. To provide safe secure parking places for bicycles at school, offices businesses, stores and other places of interest to bicyclists. Involve the community through news letters, meetings, fund raising programs, membership development, letter writing and activism.

Article IV. Membership

Membership shall be open to all those interested in the purpose and goals of the organization, without regard to their legal residence. Each member shall have equal rights of participation and of voting. Membership categories and dues shall be established by the Board of Directors.

Article V. Directors and Officers

The business, property and affairs are managed under the direction of Directors. Members of the Board are kept informed of activities through discussions with officers and attendance at meetings. The Board shall prepare a slate of candidates for election and an agenda for the Annual Meeting. The Board shall be comprised of three members elected at-large, serving for three-year terms, staggered annually, and the four officers. The Board shall elect its Chairman. The Chairman shall preside over all meetings of the Board.

The officers are a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer and a Secretary, elected at the Annual Meeting to one-year terms. Officers and directors must be over 21 years of age. The President shall preside at annual, general and Special Meetings, if available.

Replacement of a director or officer mid-term due to resignation or inability to perform the office shall be made by vote of the directors and officers at a General Meeting, to serve until the next Annual Meeting, at which time a replacement to serve the remainder of the term, if any, shall be elected.

Article VI. Meetings of members

An Annual Meeting shall be held, with fifteen (15) days notice by the Board of Directors, for: the election of Directors and Officers; authorization of expenditures: and making of significant policy. A quorum shall be five (5) members.

General Meetings for the conduct of business will be held throughout the year in conjunction with meetings of the Bedford Bicycle Advisory Committee (BBAC). A quorum shall be five (5) members, including two (2) officers.

Special Meetings may be called, with fifteen (15) days notice, by the President of Chairman of the Board at any time. A quorum shall be five (5) members.

Minutes will be recorded at the Annual, General and Special Meetings. Annual and General meetings are open to the public.

Article VII. Incorporation

Incorporated in Massachusetts, June 4, 1997. The fiscal year ends Jan. 31. The charter shall be amended at an Annual Meeting by a two-thirds vote of members attending and voting. Bylaws shall be amended at a duly called meeting by a two-thirds vote of members attending and voting; a quorum shall be five (5) members; membership shall be advised of intention to change the Bylaws at least fifteen (15) days before the meeting. The charter is hereby amended, April 13, 2005.

Note: No changes were made to Articles VIII, IX, or X or, to the Bylaws.