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Bedford Bicycle Advisory Committee

2004-2005 BBAC Annual Report

  1. Met regularly, every second Wednesday at 7:30pm in the multipurpose room at town hall
  2. Requested from the Community Preservation Committee funding for a feasibility study for the Minuteman Bikeway Extension to run along the old Reformatory Trail from the Junior High area to Concord Road. This was approved at Town Meeting and VHB has been awarded the contract.
  3. The Friends of the BBAC was incorporated in 1997 so that there would be a fuller membership for bicycle advocacy. This group meets directly following the meeting of the BBAC. This year we updated our articles to include pedestrian advocacy as well.
  4. Published and sent to all members of the Friends, two newsletters, one in the fall and one in the spring, telling of our activities, and including photos.
  5. Invited representatives from neighboring towns to attend the Friend’s annual meeting and share updates on activities. This one annual meeting took place in a more congenial place and had refreshments. Representatives from Billerica, Concord and Lexington came and added to our meeting.
  6. Sponsored and led a bicycle Tour de Bedford on each of the three final Saturdays of June, July, and August. Each tour is about 12 miles long and routes are available on the website
  7. Sponsored and led a Riverfest bike ride, June 11, touching Concord River outlooks frequently and including a stop at the Concord Bridge for some history.
  8. Also June 11, helped the Bedford Police with their Bicycle Safety Day where bikes were inspected, helmets adjusted, and/or replaced, and bicycle skills were checked. Seventy cyclists participated.
  9. Several of our members participated in the Bedford PMC Kids Ride June 18.
  10. Set up and ran a booth at Bedford Day with info about BBAC and Friends and also ran a guarded corral with “Free Valet Parking” for bicycles so participants and lookers could attend by bicycle.
  11. Mr. Drucker met with Ray Ruetenik on June 15 to make a plan to clear the brush from the Bridge Street path. Insurance is an action item which is being investigated by Elizabeth Bagdonis.

Prepared by Holly Webster, secretary of BBAC and the Friends, and agreed to by both on August 10, 2005.