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BikeBedford.org > Bedford Friends of the Minuteman Bikeway, Inc > Bicycle Valet Parking

Bicycle Valet Parking is a service provided to encourage people to cycle to a destination (rather than drive a car). Members of the Bedford Friends of the Minuteman Bikeway have been providing bicycle valet parking at the Bedford Day celebration in September and at the Bedford Fourth of July Strawberry Festival for several years. People attending these events have parked bikes, child trailers, strollers, wagons, scooters, skateboards, and other things.

The logistics of providing bicycle valet parking for a daytime event are fairly simple:

Checklist for bicycle valet parking

orange construction fencing
fence posts
slide hammer
work gloves
removable/reusable plastic "zip ties"
folding table & chairs
numbered two-part tickets
pens / pencils
adhesive tape in dispenser
Valet Parking this way-> signs
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